Nony Odum, Founder of In Vibrant Company


Nony Odum, at home in Paris.


I read a quote recently that said, “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” It’s supposedly by Pablo Picasso, though I really can’t imagine him saying that. It left me seriously questioning if I was doing just that: giving my gift away. I recently relocated to Paris, leaving behind a full life and career in New York City. This life change has had me thinking a lot about how I have spent the past years of my life and what I want out of the next to come. I’ve discovered that in both my personal and career lives, I want to spend more time surrounded by beauty and creativity and sharing what I love. I feel that I have a gift for communication and bringing people together. All of this has lead me to shift careers and to create this space to share the things I love and the lives and stories of the people that inspire me.

But first a bit about myself. I’m an American born, Nigerian bred romantic, aesthete and dreamer. I graduated from the University of Maryland with a finance degree. I thought I wanted to go into management consulting but succumbed to my endless need to be around beautiful things and instead entered a career in fashion. I interned for Hecht’s, a now defunct department store chain, then accepted a full time role in their executive training program, which trains you to be a buyer. After about two years living at home in Maryland and commuting to Virginia, I felt a strong pull to be at the epicenter of it all: New York City. I spent about 13 years working on the wholesale side of fashion for such brands as Ralph Lauren and Loro Piana. My last job was as Vice President of Sales at Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger before I decided to take a leap. After around six months of dating, my then boyfriend, now husband, convinced me we should make our home in Paris instead of New York and I took the chance to start a new chapter in my life.

That’s how I got here in a nutshell. I asked some friends to send me questions, some serious and some fun, that they would be curious about if they were getting to know me. I hope you enjoy!

  • Why did you decide to move to Paris?

I moved here for love! Well thats not entirely true because Alessandro, my fiancé, could have moved to New York. He was living in Paris when we met and I decided to come to Paris for the quality of life and because I had always wanted to live in Europe. I was hungry for an overhaul of my life after thirteen years in New York.

  • You left a great job with a very bright future ahead of you. How difficult was it to leave your established career and life in New York and how did you cope with such a major life change?

    The hardest thing was leaving my career because I was on a very bright track but the pull for a life change was greater. I was starting to feel a bit stale in New York. As if I was living the same life year after year. Life is long and I didn’t want a career track to determine my future days. I’m confident I’ll carve a new path for myself in Paris and love not being sure of what’s next. The only thing I miss is my network and friends but I have been very lucky here so far.

  • What have you found are important traits for career success?

    Over prepare for everything. Don’t take anything for granted. Double check everything. Be thorough and unimpeachable with your word. Make yourself needed. Also keep in mind that everyone thinks they’re a fraud, and some are, but everyone is hiding it really well. Read up on “imposter syndrome” It will change your thinking and help you be a little easier on yourself.

  • Why did you start this site?

    I love to share the people and things that I love or admire and I needed a creative outlet. Also I honestly just got tired of reading about and seeing the same people everywhere. I find “real” people way more interesting than the same celebrities and influencers we are constantly being force-fed. Give me a high powered woman any day. I want to know how she got there. What mistakes did she make? Does she have any regrets? Where does she travel, shop and eat? I’m sure there are other people out there that feel the same way. I also know that there are a lot of young women who are elevating and growing in their lives and careers who struggle to find stories of women they admire and maybe want to emulate. It’s vulnerable, real stories from real women as well as some of the lightness that makes life worth living, like style and home tips. This is our space to meet up.

  • What are your vices?

    I bleed money! I spend money like it grows on trees. I have worked on this a lot since I moved and Alessandro is great with money. He has taught me a lot. I also love food so much. I eat whatever I want and I never want anything healthy! He and I constantly fight over the last bite. Lastly I’m such a night owl and love to stay up late. Oh wait, I’m also terribly impatient.

  • Can you expand a bit on how your attitude toward money has changed?

    That it’s all about cash out. If you make a lot and spend a lot you won’t have a lot. He has really helped me realize the value of money. I know it’s a ridiculous thing to learn at such a late age but you know how it is! There are so many wonderful things out there and I want all of it! It’s the little things that I purchase every week that add up, the impulsive actions because 100€ doesn’t seem like much. The constant ubers, the popping into Zara every week or random online purchases. It all adds up. My taxi addiction in New York was terrible. I walk so much more now for the exercise and to learn the city. Moving out of my apartment in NY was another wake up call. I had so much stuff that I donated, threw away, sold and brought over. It was just too much. I feel lighter with just less stuff.

  • You don’t feel pressure to buy new things in such a chic city, with new trends, hot designers etc?

Not terribly. I have a lot of nice classics. Plus this is a bit less of a flashy city than New York so you can get away with less. I pick my spots. I’m waiting to drop a bomb on some jewelry that I want. Haha!

  • Virtues?

Virtues are so boring. Let’s see, I’m honest, courageous but also empathetic. I suppose these also make me a good friend, I’m solid as a rock.

  • Finally, A quote that exemplifies your outlook on life?

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on” - Robert Frost


Adah Esomonu, A Londoner in Kenya